We're grateful for our partners across the country working to expand safe nightlife programming.
Meet our partners Melanie and Jessica in Wisconsin

Melanie and Jessica, like so many of you, have one foot in the health and safety world and one foot in the world of hospitality. They recently represented the SAFE Bar Network at the Tavern League of Wisconsin Fall Convention.
While there they connected with venue leaders and shared the benefits of joining the SAFE Bar Network. Folks were eager to learn more and one venue, Mugshotz in Randolph WI, joined the SAFE Bar Network and scheduled training for their team right away.
What was resonating with venue leaders?
SAFE Bar Network members receive a discount on their hospitality insurance premiums.
Increased employee and customer retention.
100% of customers who feel safe purchase more increasing your bottom line.
Signage shows customers and employees that you care about their experience.

Learn more. You can find out more about the SAFE Bar Network at safebarnetwork.org
Like what we’re doing? Be connected and stay updated with the SAFE Bar Network - join our mailing list, www.safebarnetwork.org/signupÂ
Curious about us? Join us at a SAFE Night Out session where you’ll connect with others and learn the magic behind a safe night out. Trust us, it’s fun. Sign up here, tinyurl.com/safenightout
Join the team. All you have to do is share about the SAFE Bar Network with venue leaders you know. Learn more at safebarnetwork.org/join and safebarnetwork.org/bettertookitÂ
You can even send their contact information our way and we’ll do the sharing for you, Help Us Grow Our Good.
Sharing is caring. If you have two minutes you can help us out by sharing our work on Instagram and LinkedIn.
Pass the hat. The SAFE Bar Network is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) and your tax-deductible donation goes directly to our work increasing safety at alcohol-serving venues, safebarnetwork.org/donatenow